Basic information;

emergency number:

  • Police – 911

  • Ambulance – 141

  • Fire department – 132

  • 911 & 112 will also be connected

Land code Phone: +598

Money: uruguayen peso (UYU)

Bank: in the banks and ATM’s you can only get pesos.  but with every transaction you’ll have to pay € 5 euro to the bank and have to pay to your own bank because you used your card at an ATM. be smart take some more money from the ATM, but beware of the danger on the streets

Credit-/debitcard: at a transaction in a restaurant and bars you’ll get 22 to 30 % discount. this is a law in uruguay so they have to give you. make your profit with this. and ask around in what places this is more possible.

Embassy: its never stupid to look for the embassys from your coutry in other countrys. look for the adres, Phone number of email. its easy if something happend or if you go to a place where in no connection. Then everyone know where you are.

Busses: the country is better with busses then trains or airplanes. every city has 1 or more bus terminals with a great offer at bus tours to the whole country and even capital citys from the countrys around. Its better to just go there in the morning and look for the bus youll need, and look if you can get a better price at a other company and buy the tickets there. we payed between 15/60 euros for long tours to other citys

Ferry Uruguay: from Buenos aires its easy to go with the ferry to colonia, Monte video or punta del este. a ferry is most of the time cheaper then the bus from Buenos aires to colonia or monte video.  or the other way around. its also faster, and more fun. so this is a great alternative.. from montevideo its possible to ask a busticket included to colonia and take the ferry from here, this is cheaper.


We used hostelworld, and icamping.

  • Hostels: the prices are really diverent. it depants on the season, in house by people, room and city you would like to stay. it can be from 7 to 21 euros a night, and maby even more. but what would you expect from a hostel and what can you expect?! first that it is clean, keep this as your most important because you dont like to have uninvided animals. if you dont trust it or wont like it, just reservate 1 night or first ask to get a look around. all the rest you have to take as a gift. most hostels have hot showers, sometimes with a time table. if you want a cheap room you know you are with a lot of people on a room and a saturday is a party day, if you like to have a private or less big room you have to make an reservation in front, especialy in the big citys. almost every hostel has a free breakfast this also can have a big variation, keep your idea of it low, the better it will be, expect some bread, dolce de leche, jam and coffee. sometimes cornflackes and milk or yoghurt and if you have luck some cake are ham and cheese.

Get South: this is a company who works in argentina, chili and uruguay. they offer discounts in hostels and some tourist atractions. you can find the books in your hostels or online. this can save you 10% at your hostel.

Wiet: for the people who love to smoke sometimes, its legal in uruguay.



Hostel: we stayed in compay hostel. this modern hostel is hidden a bit outside te center, about 30 min walk. but with a oke breakfast, clean rooms and friendly people. its allowed to bring your own drinks and they wil  help you looking for a other hostel of there company or tips around the city. price €9 euros a night.

What we did, what we recommend:

  • Do the free walking tour everyday at 11am

  • Just walk around the city and look at the beautiful buildings

  • Go for the tour inside the beautifull old theatre ( 180 UYU )

  • Take a busride to Colonia

  • Take a busride to Punta Del Este

  • Connect your love at the Montevideo’s lock fountain. I hope there’s still space for you.

Punts Del Este:

What we did, what we recommend:

  • The hand in the sand; just acros the bus terminal on the beach. probely a line with tourist. but here you find the fingers that come out of the sand, this famous piece of art what makes a lot of beautiful photos.

  • Go for a walk around the old town: and takke a look at the light house, church, museums or go for a panaramic view.

  • Seals: whit some luck they are on the rock along the beach, but if they are not there, take a tour to the island where you can see them.

  • The harbour: when you in the harbour, its not only fun to walk around and maby youll see a sea lion swim, but if you go to the fish market in the harbour youll will find the sea lions waiting for a free meal.

  • Cabo Polonia nature park with a lot of wildlife


What we did, what we recommend:

  • Take a boat tour to Buenos Aires

  • Visit the old town

  • Make a visit insite the light house for a panaramic view ( 25 UYU )

  • Visit the old museum.

  • Take a bus ride or taxi to the old bull ring. with some luck they may let you in

  • Walk along the beach, here you also have the letters I COLONIA. for a nice photo