Torres del paine, the W-track

Yes we made it!!! We did the W-track! 5 days Without internet, just a tent, a lot of mountains, a lot of pleasure and a lot of paine. Everything they say About the Torres del paine, the w-track is true! We walked around +75 kilometers. And the most crazy part here whas al the water from the rivers and the waterfalls whas more clean the the water from the drains, it was more them oke to drink this water.

The first day we started at 6:30 with the breakfast in our hostel. From here we went a fast as possibleto catch the bus to the national park. This is Where our adventure started. After we arived in the park we had to wait for the catamaran. Because there Where to many people we couldnt get the first one. Around 13 we arived in on our first campsite. Had to make everything ready, set up the tent and go walking. We walked up to the glacier grey, because there whas no space on this campsite we had to go back down. We Where a little bit overwhelmend. It About a 4 hours up and About 11/13 kilometers one way and also down. There is not a good road and everything in between mountains and hills. The view was amazing. But the time was to short. We sent Wouter in front with the hope he caulo cook for us. We arrived around 11 Pm at the camp site, Without food! Because it whas after 10 and your are not allowd to cook anymore.

Day 2 was plant as a rest day but we walked already a part of the road we are plant to walk the day after. Just a smal part 8 kilometers one way. Ith doing this we keep the muscles flexible. I thought ill Will cook today. Not a good idea cooking on gasoline in a nature park. They Where not really happy, so did we, in the and we had pasta fume with sausages.

Day 3 the day we had to move from campsite. A hard day with a clime from Almost 1000 meters Hi and About also 15 kilometers but this was just one way, and thats more then enough with our heavy backpacks. This whas to the center and top of the park with a view over the mountains. Arrived on campsite Frances we got Some luxe. We rentad a tent instaid of our tent. So we had no Work by putting it up and cooked Some knockys with tuna.

Day 4 we thought this was gonna Be an easy day just with the back packs and tent a smal walk to the next campsite, we Where wrong. It was also just one way by the Vally. 13/15 kilometers. But with the sun it was so hard, Lucky we saw a lot of rivers to get us Some water. Only problem was we left out of food. We bought us a pot of noodles, just boil Some water. First time in my life it eat this, tast was not bad but it had no filling. So this was al we eat this day, not so smart. Because we would loved to see the sunrise we went early to bed, 10 oclock.

Day 5 the last day and the day its al About reach the Torres del paine and Be on time back for the bus. With this time tables we had to hurry the walk to the Torres was around 4,5 hours and About just 8 kilometers one way. We dicided to wake up at 2 am and directly went walking. We Said to Wouter they he cault go in the front and ill at Marissa. Because it whas dark and it was a clime for 8 kilometers long and 900 meter up it was a tuff part. especialy the last 1/2 kilometers, at that part it wented straight to the top. But still without a good trail, just some rockes, trees to hold on and some wood to stand on. About this part we did 1,5 hour and i was the one we almost said to stop. But at the moment we went there, with the morning sun on the rocks, the silver lake and the silence it was great!! After this we try to go back as fast as possible. Break down the tent, get the stuf and go to the bus: the first thing we did when we arrived the hostel, looking for a fat meal. Wouter and me eated bought a triple burger! So great!!

Whooohow! And Now we going to sleep early 20 oclock and looking back at this great adventure, Without any hiking experience and with the great nature here in Patagonië!!